Hindi, cops and hot dogs

The Student Assembly passed the Helping Haul Hindi Here Act and the Student/Police Tailgate Act during Tuesday’s meeting.

The Helping Haul Hindi Here Act allocates $500 from the off-campus account in order to supplement the funds needed to bring a visiting professor to the College to teach a level 100 course in Hindi.

Various centers, deans and offices associated with the College had already donated $4,250 to the program. Senator Matt Pinker ’09 cast the only no vote for this bill, saying that the $500 would only benefit the thirty students allowed into the class and that it should not be the SA’s responsibility to pay for classes. Since I’m sure all of you read last week’s column, I would prefer not to give another lecture about how it doesn’t matter if funding classes isn’t the SA’s responsibility. The 19 other senators who voted for this know that not only did they help out the thirty students taking Hindi next semester, but got the ball rolling on what will hopefully be a long lasting, administration-funded program at the College.

The Student/Police Tailgate Act allocates $400 from the consolidated reserve to purchase food from dining services and other tailgating supplies for a November 22 tailgate where police officers will be able to interact with students in a casual atmosphere. Honestly, I’m at a loss for words on this one. I have to support it because it includes giving free hot dogs and hamburgers to students, but I can’t imagine being able to enjoy such delicacies with a bunch of cops hanging around. I know it’s supposed to improve student relations with police and I guess you have to start small, however, I would just as soon see them stop harassing kids for smoking pot and drinking and tell them to leave the hibachi at home. With that said, I encourage students to put on a clever disguise, get some food, and to get out of dodge as soon as possible. The location and time of this event is currently undecided.


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