There’s no place like Homecoming

Your Student Assembly passed the There’s No Place Like Homecoming Act during Tuesday night’s meeting, allocating $1,000 from the off-campus account to purchase 5,000 buttons to be distributed to students and alumni during Homecoming weekend.

Initially this money was to be taken out of the student funded consolidated reserved — which I opposed because buttons are useless — but since the off-campus account is strictly money raised by the SA, they can do with it what they please.

Ideally, given this sort of freedom, the SA would do something a bit more radical, like pay off all noise ordinance fines levied in Williamsburg. But, once again, it’s their money and if they think that 5,000 buttons are enough to cajole alumni into donating more, fair enough.

When the SA returns from fall break, maybe they should look into getting everyone in the General Assembly a few accessories.

In other news, though it was initially thought that free STI testing would not begin until November, it starts today, just in time for what will hopefully be a thoroughly debauched fall break after two weeks of mid-terms.

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