In our opinion…

Williamsburg’s Architechtural Review Board, which has full control of all buildings constructed in our section of Williamsburg, has nixed the latest proposal for the College of William and Mary’s new Richmond Road mixed-use development. Too big, they say; it would not integrate well with the surrounding buildings.

College officials who are now back at the drawing board should not lose hope. The initial proposal — with its Colonial architectural aesthetic — looked great, and it seems all at the table believe the fundamentals of this project are still strong. Efforts should now be directed toward ameliorating the ARB’s concerns so that this good project can be on its way toward ground breaking as quickly as possible.


Students in need of a great late-night study spot will be in luck this exam period. The Student Assembly has passed a bill to allocate the funds needed to keep Earl Greg Swem Library open 24 hours for most of this coming exam period. Yes, it’s nerdy, but we’re thrilled about this.

Simply put, this common-sense effort on the SA’s behalf may turn out to be one of the most efficient and effective uses of SA funds in recent memory, considering the low cost of the program and just how many students could wind up taking advantage of it. That said, this is a use it or lose it arrangement.

Next semester, the SA will reevaluate whether or not they will continue funding these extended hours during exams based on whether or not students took advantage of them this year. So if you wind up Swemming late night, be sure to let your senators know you enjoyed having a nice spot to study, if not the studying itself.

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