The Pulse: 25 Sept. 2009

Did you know Southern Utah University is nicknamed the “College of William and Mary of the West?” According to The Spectrum, a southern Utah newspaper, to earn the title the university plans to construct a 28,000-square-foot art museum. We’re confused too.

Although the College has had only one reported case of H1N1 flu, local schools have seen considerably more. Williamsburg-James City County schools have had 12 cases so far, and York has reported 27.

It’s all about power. Ablown transfuser left parts of Miller Hall without power Tuesday. Meanwhile, a gas crew working at the school of education construction site accidently hit a power line there, cutting lights to an adjacent parking lot.

University libraries in the future will have small staffs, few on-location books and large special collections and study areas, according to a University of California vice provost speaking to a group of college librarians in New York. Facing technological advancements and diminishing funds, he predicted, universities will pool books in regional repositories to cut down on space and costs.

Thinking of taking a dip in the James River? You may want to think again. PCB levels are too high in the James and Elizabeth rivers, according to the state Department of Environmental Quality, in some cases exceeding several thousands times the acceptable standard. PCBs, chemicals used in coolants and insulating fluids were banned in 1976.

If you were hoping to bid on Settler’s Market on Monticello Avenue, home to Trader Joe’s and Baker’s Crust, you’re out of luck. The auction, formerly scheduled for Oct. 5, has been postponed so the owner and lender can discuss the defaulted $55 million loan.

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