Student Assembly discusses Homecoming, voter registration

The Student Assembly held its third meeting of the year Tuesday.

Senator Matt Paganussi ’14 and Undersecretary of Greek Life John Bracaglia ’14 began the meeting by introducing the Homecoming Greek Act to the Senate.

“[The bill] is designed to incorporate the whole College of William and Mary campus community [in Homecoming festivities],” Paganussi said.

The bill, which remains in review,would allocate four $1,000 grants to four sororities or fraternities selected by the Executive Department of Student Life based on proposed Homecoming events that will be open to the entire College community.

Vice President Molly Bulman ’12 announced a plan to push back the Deep Roots planting dates in order to coincide with Homecoming in late October and take advantage of the large alumni presence on campus. The SA unanimously voted to send the Deep Roots Act discussed at last week’s meeting to the Financial and Outreach Committee for approval.

Bulman stressed the importance of voter registration and the need for SA volunteers to man voter registration tables where students can register to vote in the upcoming November elections.
The meeting also included the approval of committee and executive nominees.

“I will finish the online syllabi project and promises to be open to student concerns,” Jon Blusiewicz ’11, who was unanimously approved for the position of Secretary of College policy, said.

Stacey LaRiviere’s ’14 first position with the SA will be the Undersecretary of Public Affairs to Richmond. She was unanimously elected by the Senate.

“I am hoping to get van certified so that we could take buses… [and] bring students to the General Assembly,” LaRiviere said.

Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee Noah Kim ’12 reminded the SA of the Planning Commission Work Session Sept. 22 at 4 p.m.

“We’d really like to see a student turnout,” Kim said.

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