Introductory bills places SA oversight on AMP

The Student Assembly held its second-to-last meeting of the semester Tuesday and discussed new acts submitted by Senator Grace Colby ’13 and Senate Chair Noah Kim ’13.

Colby introduced the Tables, Chairs, and Van Training Act, which will allow the SA to continue providing supplies to student events. The Finance Committee will review the bill.

“We funded tables and chairs for student events in the past, as well as van training,” Colby said. “I would like to continue funding these for student purposes.”

Kim introduced the New Student Organization Outreach Act.

This bill would repeal a previous act requiring student organizations that received more than 25 percent of the SA budget to appoint a non-voting member of the SA to their boards. This policy applies only to AMP.
“The reasoning for the [original act] was to ensure communication and oversight with student groups that receive that large of a proportion of [SA funds],” Kim said.

The proposed bill would instead require these student organizations to send a report of revenue and spending twice a year to the Finance Committee.

The SA also reviewed the Fall 2011 Campus Sustainability Grant Act. The Campus Sustainability Act would allocate funds for T-shirts sporting a student’s original design.

The profits from these shirts would go to the Campus Community on Sustainability Green Fund. The Outreach, Public Affairs, Finance and Student Life Committees will review the bill.

The SA will delay voting on the HPV Subsidization Act until next semester. The HPV Subsidization Act allocated $9,000 to subsidize 200 doses of HPV vaccines for College students.

“Kendall and I want to see this done right and want to see [that] the education awareness campaign associated with this [has] the students attention that will come with the new semester and not during final exams,” Kim said.

Lastly, Kim announced that the new executive committee established by the Checks and Balances Act held its first meeting Monday.

These meetings remain open to the public and regular meeting times are still being formed.

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