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Crim Dell crafts: AMP hosts Mending in the Meadow event to promote upcycling, decorating...

Saturday, Oct. 5, Alma Mater Productions transformed the College of William and Mary’s Crim Dell Meadow into a hub of creativity and community as...

Wren building to undergo renovations, senior regalia to be distributed early

After receiving both federal and state grants, the College of William and Mary is set to renovate the Sir Christopher Wren Building...

Williamsburg City Council debate canceled due to candidate unavailability

Thursday, Oct. 3, a planned Williamsburg City Council election forum for newcomer candidates Fraser Hudgins, Ayanna Williams and Lindsay Barna was canceled due to...

Family weekend fun: AMP, Office of Family Engagement collaborate on Family Feud event

As Family Weekend rolled around at the College of William and Mary on the weekend of Sept. 27, various events were put on for...

Kaine introduces bill to support sexual assault survivors on college campuses

Wednesday, Sept. 18, Sen. Tim Kaine LL.D. ’06 of Virginia introduced legislation he believes will provide support for survivors of sexual assault on college...