Pilchen wins SA presidency

    p. Sunday night, three days after the election took place, sophomores Zach Pilchen and Valerie Hopkins were declared Student Assembly President and Vice President, winning 57 percent of the vote. A human error during the processing of the initial results caused them to be deleted, and several technology-savvy alumni had been working since to restore the data.

    p. “We have [365] days ahead of us to get all our stuff done for students and those are going to be the most important days,” Pilchen said during a victory celebration for all candidates at the College Delly. “Brad [Potter] called me and he was very, very gracious, and I can’t stress enough what a fantastic job the two of them did over the last 10 days.”

    p. The candidates gathered at the Delly, laughing and enjoying themselves in a delayed celebration on the patio outside.

    p. “This is all an April Fools’ joke — that’s my biggest fear,” Hopkins said. “I’m absolutely elated, although having this spread out over five days has been quite a trip. I know Zach and I have been having emotions ranging from ebullience to devastation to paranoia and back.”

    p. What may be the closest elections in Student Assembly history — between juniors Matt Brown and Shariff Tanious for vice president for advocacy — was decided by one vote in Brown’s favor but has not been officially certified because a vote for Tanious that wasn’t counted was submitted by e-mail instead of through SIN. The SA Review Board will likely decide whether the vote should be counted, which could result in a revote for that position.

    p. Elections Commissioner senior James Evans, who caused the delay through the press of a wrong button Thursday night, said he is unsure whether the election will be contested due to his mishap.

    p. “I have the utmost faith in these results,” he said. “It’s funny now, but that does not mean that for the past three days I haven’t been agonizing over myself deleting those results.”

    p. The winners of other positions are listed below:

    p. Class of 2008
    President: Nick Faulkner
    Vice President for Advocacy: NO CERTIFIED WINNER
    Vice President for Social Affairs: Patrick Donaldson
    Secretary: Ashley Pinney
    Treasurer: Laura Rogers
    Senator: Matt Skibiak
    Senator: Devan Barber
    Senator: Joe Luppino-Esposito
    Senator: Tiseme Zegeye

    p. Class of 2009
    President: Kevin Dua
    Vice President for Advocacy: Kristin Slawter
    Vice President for Social Affairs: Kristen Seay
    Secretary: Dianne Brewster
    Treasurer: Ashley Wheelock
    Senator: Matt Beato
    Senator: Walter McClean
    Senator: Caroline Mullis
    Senator: Sean Sheppard

    p. Class of 2010
    President: Ali Snell
    Vice President for Advocacy: Roxanne Lepore
    Vice President for Social Affairs: Alyssa Wallace
    Secretary: Laura Nelson
    Treasurer: Andrew Noll
    Senator: Sarah Rojas
    Senator: Ryan Eickel
    Senator: Orlando Watson
    Senator: Ray Ciabattoni

    p. Referenda
    Judicial Reform I: YES
    Judicial Reform II: NO
    Laundry Service: YES
    Women in SA: NO
    Drugs and Safety: ALCOHOL
    Campus Police: YES


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