Potter, Phillips plan to stay involved

    Although their bid to become Student Assembly President
    and Vice President was unsuccessful, juniors Brad Potter and
    Brett Phillips say they’ll continue working to improve student
    life at the College.

    p. “It’s funny, after losing the election, one door closed and it
    feels like five have opened; I’m excited to see where those doors
    take me. One thing can be certain, service of some kind will be
    involved,” Potter said in an e-mail.

    p. Neither Potter nor Phillips has immediate plans to work with
    the Student Assembly next year.

    p. “That’s nothing to do with not wanting to help out, or anything
    like that,” Phillips said. “I’m going to use this opportunity
    to do some other things.”

    p. The two rising seniors expressed excitement about working
    with the Student Chamber of Commerce (SCC), which Potter
    founded in January.

    p. According to Phillips, the SCC “is geared toward making the
    connection between the student body and the outside community
    in terms of the economy and local business.”

    p. He described the SCC as a form of economic networking,
    linking students seeking services and jobs to businesses searching
    for customers and employees.

    p. “There is a lot on and off campus that advocates can do to
    better student life, and the SCC will be playing a big role in the
    future,” Potter said. “The Student Assembly is one means of
    helping the community, but by no means the only way.”

    p. Phillips talked about setting up “a website sort of like ‘Consumer Reports,’” ranking student businesses and providing information on where to find basic but difficult-to-locate services.
    He also mentioned supporting the FlexCar plan that was part of
    their campaign, nothing that “we don’t need to be in the SA to
    accomplish that.”

    p. Outside of their goals to improve student life, Potter and Phillips
    said they would look for opportunities to reconnect with

    p. “I want to get involved in one of the spring break service trips
    next year,” Potter said. “In the classroom, I’m going to be writing
    an honors thesis in IR and a senior project in physics, so I’ll
    be more than busy finishing my double major.”

    p. With their lengthy SA careers coming to a close, both will be
    transitioning back to life outside of student government.

    p. “Just coming off running for student body president, there’s
    a little bit of a void not being affiliated with student government
    anymore. I’m not going to be involved in Student Assembly,”
    Phillips said. “Probably just going to be a student again.”


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