Three to run for SA President

Horacio Carreno-Garcia ’10, Ryan David Ruzic J.D. ’11 and Devin Sanchez Curry ’11 all plan to run this year for Student Assembly president, according to a candidate list compiled last night that is still subject to change.

An SA member provided the list to The Flat Hat under the condition of anonymity, and under the condition that other parts of the list be withheld. Those who received the list — the candidates themselves — were instructed to keep it confidential. SA rules say those running for office cannot publicly announce their candidacies until 10 days before the March 26 election.

The source who provided the list to The Flat Hat was told that the names were somehow marked so the elections commission would know the identity of anyone who leaked the list to a news organization, the source said.

The source asked The Flat Hat to print the names of the students running for SA president as they appear in the student directory, rather than as they appear on the candidate list.

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