College’s website featured in style guide

The College of William and Mary’s homepage was featured on the cover of a recently published book, “The eduStyle Guide to Usable Higher-Ed Homepage Design,” which examines twenty higher education webpages. Brothers Stewart, Cody and Andy Foss wrote the guide, which praised the easy navigation and layout of the College’s website.

“The navigation provides easy access to most of the site, without having an overwhelming number of links.” the Fosses wrote. “Almost all of the links that are one click off of the homepage use the same template as the homepage. This is an exceptionally difficult task to do in higher-ed, but makes for a much less jarring experience for users.”

The book went on to praise the website’s distinctive branding and offered minor suggestions, which are currently being implemented by the web design team.

Overall, administrators and students are pleased with the College’s webpage.

“The new webpage gives William and Mary the image it deserves as one of America’s most prized institutions of higher learning.” Matt Sass, ’10 said. “Hearing about the website being featured in a book did not surprise me.”

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