Gossip Girl: More fun then a Brendan Fraser lookalike

I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard during “Gossip Girl” in a long time. I’m going to buy Blair’s writer a cookie. From her subway comments — (“Rats go underground, not Waldorfs!” “It’s full of mole men and middle class professionals!”) or her take on Serena’s new boyfriend (“He’s having her cake and eating yours, too!”) — she kept me laughing the entire episode. Another cookie goes to Chuck’s wardrobe designer, the genius who put him playing basketball in a suit, a signature Chuck move. Or perhaps his pink shirt and blue bowtie was the best outfit of the episode — it’s hard to judge.

This entire episode was fresh — Vanessa wasn’t annoying as she got drunk with Dan, remorsefully giggling about having sex with Chuck Bass twice. Dan wasn’t judgmental or condescending as he lay sprawled on the floor, drunk, realizing he wasn’t going to Yale. Serena actually stood up for herself and reminded Blair that Nate wasn’t exactly the most faithful of boyfriends, and Nate got protective of Blair for once and pretended like he actually liked her.

But let’s face it: The reason we all love Gossip Girl (besides Dorota, who is apparently very good with surveillance equipment) is the plotting. Not only did a Jesus-loving Georgina come back for the possibility of plotting, but Chuck and Blair once again came together to stalk someone, and then trick people into revealing big secrets. The plotting begins! And as we all know, plotting in “Gossip Girl” _always_ leads to sex (as my “Gossip Girl” obsessed friend says.)

Will Blair and Nate continue to go strong? Who will Georgina attempt to sleep with this time? Here’s to next week when we all find out. You know you love me,
Gossip girl.

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