Breaking News: Sadeghian wins SA presidential election

    Kaveh Sadeghian ’12 and Molly Bulman ’12 have won the Student Assembly presidential and vice presidential election.

    Sadeghian and Bulman received 1,538 votes, which constitutes 56 percent of the vote, while David Alpert ’13 and Tam Middleton ’14 garnered 1,127 votes, which counted for 41 percent of the vote. Write-in candidate Ian Goodrum ’12 received 25 votes, 3 percent of the presidential vote.

    The ballot also contained two SA referendums, which both passed. 82 percent of respondents voted in favor of allocating funds for free STI testing, while 81 percent of respondents were in favor of implementation of a voluntary, opt-in gender neutral housing option.

    Additional results appear below:
    Class of 2012
    President— Stephanie McGuire
    VP of Advocacy— Amanda Brazzel
    Senators— Zach Marcus, Michael Wagner, Ben Huber (write-in), Joe Mehan (write-in)

    Class of 2013
    President— Tess DeAtley
    VP of Advocacy— Morgan Dyson
    VP of Social Affairs— Lemondre Watson
    Treasurer— Logan Scott
    Secretary— Alexis VeraCruz
    Senators— Ryan McManus, Grace Colby, Noah Kim, Tyler Johnson

    Class of 2014
    President— Tony Hanagan
    VP of Advocacy— Alex Comerford
    VP of Social Affairs— Megan McCarthy
    Treasurer— Brett Prestia
    Secretary— Amanda Morrow
    Senators— Chase Koontz, Matthew Paganussi, Dallen McNerney, John Woo

    Honor Council—Class of 2013
    KevIn Mahoney

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