Student Assembly to host shuttles for spring break, ready for elections

The Student Assembly Executive Board met one final time before spring break in order to discuss upcoming initiatives on a number of areas of student interest.

The SA will host airport shuttles for students flying out of Richmond International Airport, Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport, and Norfolk International Airport March 2 and for students returning on March 11.

“The airport shuttle ride is something that has been around for years,” Secretary of Student Life Adam Stokes ’12 said. “For a lot of out-of-state students, it can be tough, especially if you are a freshman or sophomore and you don’t have a car on campus or a way to get to the airport.”

This Friday, shuttles will leave from the Sadler Center Terrace at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. The Sunday after spring break, shuttles will pick up students from the three airports at 3 p.m or 8 p.m. The rides are free, and students can sign up online on the SA’s website.

“There is a form that you can fill out on the Student Assembly website where you can pick which time and which airport you need to be taken to,” Stokes said.

The sign-up for shuttle rides closes at 9 a.m. on Feb. 29.

In an effort to increase the number of student voters in the upcoming elections to the Williamsburg City Council, the SA will table in the Sadler Center all week with voter registration forms. SA representatives will be there to answer questions about voter registration and to register students.

“It is important for students to be engaged in the community in which they live for eight months out of the year,” Secretary of Public Affairs Keenan Kelley ’14 said.

Voter registration for City Council elections closes April 9, and the elections will take place in May.

“They can have a significant impact because we are about one half of the city population, so it is important that we are engaged and aware of issues that effect us within our community,” Kelley said.

The Honor Systems Review Committee continues to revise and edit the code in weekly committee sessions. They hope to have a draft available for public comment soon.

“The Honor System Review Committee is finalizing its recommendations,” Secretary of Student Rights Zann Isacson ’13 said. “We will be voting on some points of contention, writing majority and minority opinions on these issues, and then gathering feedback from the campus community before sending our final report to President Reveley.”

The SA budget for the upcoming school year will go to the Senate floor Tuesday.

Ellie Kaufman
Ellie Kaufman
Senior staff writer Ellie Kaufman '13 is an English major from Herndon, Va. She was previously Chief Staff Writer, Variety Editor and Associate Variety Editor.

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