Chelsea Plantation to be protected through safeguard purchase

A panel presented TED-talk style speeches on of free speech in the media followed by a discussion. FILE PHOTO / THE FLAT HAT

The Williamsburg Land Conservancy announced a conservation easement purchase that will safeguard some of the Chelsea Plantation located in King William County, according to the Virginia Gazette. The purchase will permanently protect 568 acres of the estate’s 1580 total acres. Built in 1709 by Col. Augustine Moore, the plantation was visited by colonial heroes such as George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette during the 18 century. The grounds feature five acres of English boxwood gardens and part of the estate is used for hunting and fishing by the private owners.

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Matt Esporrin
Matt Esporrin '16 has not declared a major. He is from Mendham, NJ. He previously was Associate News Editor.