Legislator Brings Assault Weapon to House of Delegates

A panel presented TED-talk style speeches on of free speech in the media followed by a discussion. FILE PHOTO / THE FLAT HAT

According to the Richmond Time-Dispatch, Del. Joseph Morrissey, D-Henrico held an assault style weapon on the floor of the House of Delegates. Morrissey is currently sponsoring a bill to ban sales of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, one bill among several that a House Militia and Police subcommittee will examine. Other types of bills are also being considered, including a bill that will allow certain trained school officials to carry concealed weapons on school grounds.

Read the full story here: http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/latest-news/morrissey-brings-assault-weapon-onto-house-floor-ahead-of-gun/article_faec3d38-60db-11e2-a198-001a4bcf6878.html


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