Lacrosse: Ireland resigns, search for replacement begins

Head coach Brooke Ireland resigned after two seasons at the helm of the lacrosse program. Ireland recorded a 9-24 overall record, 4-10 in the Colonial Athletic Association.

“The decision to step away at this time does not come easily. I have a great passion for this sport and, especially, this group of Tribe student-athletes, but I know the moment has come where I can no longer divide time between coaching and my family at home,” Ireland said in a press release. “I have truly enjoyed the experience at William and Mary and will always hold a special place in my heart for the young women whom I’ve had the pleasure to coach.”

William and Mary Athletic Director saw Ireland’s stint as instrumental to a growing program.

“Her dedication and professionalism guided the program through a difficult time of transition and provided a sound foundation on which a bright future can be built,” Driscoll said in a press release. “While we will miss her leadership, I wish the very best for Brooke and her family in the future.”

A national search for Ireland’s replacement is underway.

Editor’s take: Ireland steps down after a rough two years which saw just nine overall wins; only four conference victories. That won’t cut it in the CAA. The College can help itself by not scheduling so many out-of-conference games against teams ranked in the top tier of the nation every season. While travel costs limit the team’s range, surely there are other schools willing to play the College.

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Chris Weber
Senior staff writer Chris Weber '15 is an English major from Spotsylvania, Va. He was previously Sports Editor.