An exhilarating glimpse at working life

While I may work full-time and take night classes, it still feels like I’m on vacation.

I grew up in an ideal location: Philly, New York City, and the Jersey Shore were all one hour away. Moving to the ever-so-quaint Williamsburg freshman year without a car was a sad, hard adjustment.

But, now I’m in Washington, D.C. and every day is an adventure. Because of the sights, restaurants, activities and museums, I wake up every day with a lot of options, instead of homework in Williamsburg.

Of course, the work and school balance of this program is tough. Unlike most young professionals who look forward to happy hours and binge watching Netflix after work, we somehow have to fit 50 pages of reading in alongside a happy hour and an episode of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” — if I can keep my eyes open that late.

In Williamsburg, I’d have class for a few hours, a club meeting or two, and had the rest of my day to catch up on readings, take a nap, eat, exercise, and relax.

Here, I wake up at 7:30 to be out the door at 8:10 to be at work at 8:45. Then I leave work at 6 — 5 when Congress is out of session — and either head home to make dinner and do work, or have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 8. Then I’m in bed by 10:30 to get a good night’s sleep and do it all again.

Then I think: What happens when I have kids? It’s mind boggling to me that this is the future in store for most of us at the College of William and Mary. It’s horrifying and exhausting to even think about.

But, there’s a bright side to it all. Living in a city is the most amazing reward of a young professional’s early career.

A few weeks ago, a friend from home visited and we spent the morning at a Jewish delicatessen where we had bottomless brunch. An amazing breakfast and bottomless mimosas: Oh, heck yes.

We then walked the National Mall and got cheesy and somehow artsy photos that racked up the Instagram likes.

This weekend, friends from the College visited my apartment-mates and me, and we went ice skating at the National Gallery Sculpture Garden alongside all the cute couples celebrating Valentine’s day.

So far, in my first month here I’ve gone to the coolest restaurants — like a restaurant known for donuts and fried chicken — seen some of the sights, and have thoroughly embraced the diverse D.C. nightlife.

This weekend is Parents’ Weekend, so I’ll be sure to report back with all the touristy things my empty-nester parents look forward to doing in the city.

Daria Grastara
Daria Grastara
Daria Grastara '17 is an English and Government double major from Hillsborough, New Jersey. She was previously Opinions Editor. Follow @dariagrastara on Twitter.

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