Women’s Gymnastics: Tribe earns fourth at Maryland meet

Jamie Holt / The Flat Hat

Despite finishing fourth out of five teams at the Sunday, March 1 meet in Maryland, William and Mary posted its second-highest point total of the year amid several strong individual performances. 

A key component of the high scoring came in the vault, with the Tribe setting a new season high of 48.775, tying the fourth-highest mark for the program all-time. Senior Erika Marr and junior Mary Graceyn Gordon set new career highs with scores of 9.825 on their attempts and senior Taylor White also set a new career mark at 9.775. Junior Katie Waldman rounded out the strong Tribe performance with a season-best 9.800. 

Waldman also shined in the all-around, posting a 39.000 to finish third overall in the event. White added a 38.875 and Gordon posted a 38.375 to round out the squad. 

The College also had strong individual performances in the other events, with senior Evan Pakshong and Waldman each earning a 9.775 on bars to earn a tie for ninth place, and White contributed a 9.725. 

Senior Caroline Caponi paced the College on beam, earning a 9.700, and White again posted a strong showing, totaling 9.675. 

The Tribe posted its third-highest event team score on the floor routine, with Waldman earning a tie for seventh place with a 9.800 and senior Elizabeth Snoddy achieving a season-best 9.775. Caponi also scored well in the floor section, earning a 9.750.  

The Tribe will travel to a five-team meet at George Washington next Sunday, March 8 with a start time of 1 p.m. 

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Nathan Seidel
Sports Editor Nathan Seidel ’22 is a psychology major from Roanoke, Virginia. A lifelong sports fan, his goal is to cover at least one home game for every Tribe team prior to graduation. He plays both basketball and golf and looks to pursue a legal career in the future.