Open Miller to meal plan

Alan B. Miller Hall has excellent food offerings, but currently none of them are available to students as meal plan options. This should be changed in such a way that preserves the location’s high-quality, upscale nature while still offering something for students who would like the option of grabbing something quick there every day in between classes.

It’s nice to have a place where you can go and get quality made-to-order food. The character of this eatery fits that of austere Miller nicely. We would like to preserve this feel and we realize that much of what is now on the menu would probably be prohibitively expensive if offered as a meal plan option. Also, there are other considerations, like crowding, to factor in.

But it is easy to burn through Flex Points pretty quickly if a student eats there regularly, and something should be done for those who do. At this point, it looks like the best choice on the table is to apply meal options like in the Dodge Room, whereby pre-prepared sandwiches are available for a swipe. While we are not happy with having to pay extra for some foods like sushi and Quizno’s, this is the model we have. Whether or not to adopt a different one is a different question for a different day.

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