Meet Virginia: Rosemary Willis

Rosemary Willis ’13 — Miss Virginia, Accidental member, Personal Trainer, Health Enthusiast, and Twitter celebrity — is just your typical College of William and Mary student, contrary to what her Twitter page suggests.

She originally made the Twitter for fun, but now uses it to keep up with her family and Miss America Pageant friends.

“I’m a people person,” Willis said. “I like connecting with people.”

Willis said her favorite person at the College is Miss Angie from the Sadler Center because of her kind disposition and uplifting phrases like, “Hi precious,” and “Thank you so much, love.”

“If you’re feeling down, go see her,” Willis said.
Willis cites chocolate chip cookie dough as her guilty pleasure, “Harry Potter” as her favorite series and “A Walk to Remember” as her favorite movie.

After she graduates in December, she says she plans on moving to Arlington.

“Hopefully [I will] work for a nonprofit and continue personal training on the side,” Willis said.
If she could leave one lasting legacy or message to the world, Willis urges everyone to “live a life that outlasts you.”

Follow Rosemary on Twitter.

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