Laundry systems installed in OTP

Classes started a little more quietly this semester without the sound of ongoing construction projects. Following the conclusion of many construction efforts last semester, the campus is experiencing a lull for a few weeks while campus management begins planning new projects.

“We are currently in an interlude from construction for the time being. We are just waiting on the spring semester to really kick off, and then more planning and building will begin,” Wayne Boy, director of planning, design and construction, said.

Over the winter break, laundry systems were installed in One Tribe Place and are expected to be approved by a code review team in a few days. The underground garage — which extends two levels below ground level — is being updated because it did not meet code. The fire alarm systems and ventilation need to be updated before students can use them. There is a committee that will decide what other changes will be made to the building in the future.

Administration intends to renovate Tyler Hall and is currently creating working drawings. The goal is to begin construction at the end of the summer. Changes to the building will include improved handicap-accessiblility, removal of tiered floors and expansion of the attic. Currently, much of the psychology department resides in this building, and it will be moved to the basement of Old Dominion Hall, where Phonathon is currently stationed, until the renovations are completed.

Tyler is not the only building to be renovated, as Chandler Hall will undergo renovations over the summer.

Working drawings for the third installment of the Integrated Science Center are currently in code review and will next go into negotiation for pricing. Construction of this building is intended to begin in either late spring or early summer.

Additionally, campus-wide alterations will be made to make buildings and pathways more handicap-accessible. For example, the entrance to Adair Hall will be altered to ease access and increase mobility between floors.

Bailey Kirkpatrick
Bailey Kirkpatrick
Senior staff writer Bailey Kirkpatrick '15 is an international relations major from Ashburn, Virginia. She was previously Associate Variety Editor and Associate News Editor.

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