The Dog Days of Thrilliamsburg

A firm jolt ran through the fuselage as United flight 1573 touched down in Richmond airport, ending the salad course to my summer escapades. The past few weeks seemed to fly by, a blur of a vacation, catalogued in salsa stains and barbecue sauce. But like all good introductions, it had to come to an end, and here I sit, taxiing across the runway four teeth lighter of wisdom and with a pocket full of post-surgery painkillers that helped me redefine Houston International’s idea of a layover.

But, as the buzz begins to fade and my jaw begins to throb, the time has come. I’ve hung up my ten gallon for a tricorner and swapped my boots for buckles, ready to fall into the ranks of the summertime TWAMPs. Whether overzealous academics trying to cram in a third minor, underachievers looking for easy credit, or perhaps those few of us who just couldn’t find anything better to do for four months, we are all in it for the long haul.

So, I thank y’all for joining me on this merry adventure, though I can’t say that I will be able to regale you with any tumultuous tales of the late night clubs and EDMs of Eastern Europe, or sunny sonnets of basking on the beaches of Cape Town. This study abroad blog will, at least, hit a little closer to home; mainly because it will be at home — as in not abroad at all, whatsoever, just so we’re clear.

Nevertheless, who knows what shenanigans and debaucheries could play themselves out on the cobblestoned byways of our beloved ’Burg. I can guarantee you adventures will be had: Walls will be jumped, gardens streaked and trees climbed. And, if Sinatra’s favorite lady helps us out, I’ll be able to slip in some snippets worthy of those risque European blogs – they’ll just be from the basement of Ewell Hall. I mean, who needs a red light district when you’ve got a blue light system?

And so, at last and with one final lurch, the Austin, TX chapter of my 2014 summer becomes a humid, hipster memory. But please, remain seated for one moment longer and prepare yourself for the wonders of these dog days of Thrilliamsburg. The chair backs and tray tables have been stowed and, ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned off the seat belt sign. Lafayette, we are here.

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