College endowment slips in national ranking

    p. The College’s endowment ranking fell one spot from last year in the 2007 year-end endowment study conducted by the National Association of College and University Business Officers.

    p. Last year the College ranked at 128 but has now moved down to 129. The College’s endowment ranking has dropped every year since records became available in 2002, when it was ranked 115th.
    However the endowment grew from $491,629,000 in 2006 to $585,904,000 in 2007 — 19.2 percent increase.

    p. Last year the College also dropped a place in the rankings. This year it overtook State University of New York Foundation while Colgate University and Cooper Union passed the College.

    p. The rank places it fourth in the state after the University of Virginia, the University of Richmond and Washington & Lee University.

    p. Seventeen of the public and private institutions that are considered to be in the College’s peer group by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia were included in the study, but the College only ranked higher than University of Connecticut, SUNY – Binghamton and University of New Hampshire. This was also true last year.

    p. Ten of the peer group colleges had greater percent increases in endowment than the College did in the last year.
    Average growth for all colleges and universities in the study was 18.4 percent.

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