Best of the ‘Burg: The life aquatic

When things get a little too hectic and you want an escape from all the hustle and bustle of Williamsburg, Lake Matoaka is the place to go. In addition to the peaceful view, Lake Matoaka boasts plenty of calming activities such as canoeing.

Getting hold of a canoe is quite simple, and it’s free with your student ID. All you have to do is head over to the boathouse and hand over your ID,. In return you will get a canoe for two to three hours on any day, weather permitting. The boathouse is a green concrete building which you’ll find beside the lake. The boathouse is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. Although the boathouse is currently closed due to wintry weather, it will reopen in the spring and remain open through the end of October .

The setting is perfect for a relaxing getaway on a busy afternoon. Whether you choose to paddle around the entire time or just float on the water, this free and easy activity should be taken advantage of early and often. Lake Matoaka is a beautiful oasis in students’ own backyard. While you’re out canoeing, keep your eyes peeled and you just might see some of the fish and turtles living in the lake.

If you haven’t been convinced yet to go canoeing at the first thaw, here’s an extra special selling point: About once a month, the Tribe Adventure Program hosts a moonlight paddle on Lake Matoaka. Why not take the canoe out and do some stargazing. Is there really a better place to do so than in the middle of the lake?

Only students and alumni can check out canoes from the boathouse; this limits lake traffic and encounters with the canoes of locals and out-of-towners. Whether you choose to venture out there for some alone time or you go with a group of friends, this is one college experience you don’t want to miss.

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