The Ultimate Orientation Survival Guide

Starting college can seem overwhelming, but orientation is designed to prepare you. Yet, orientation can be overwhelming too. These articles will equip you with the knowledge you need to survive orientation.

How to survive icebreaker games

From the name game to “speed dating,” icebreakers and bonding activities are an integral part of orientation. Even for people who excel at small talk and make new friends easily, participating in these types of games can be less than desirable, yet they are an important part of befriending your hallmates.

How to survive course registration

As the fated registration day moves closer, it is important to plan for every worst case scenario. Yet, as the dust settles after the battle, a well prepared student will often find that even the worst case scenario is really not that bad.

How to survive dorm life

From ants to heat to bad roommates, when living in a dorm for the first time, there will be some inevitable bumps in the road. Many freshmen will encounter a few common problems that upperclassmen will tell you are all in a day in the life of a dorm resident.

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