Welcome to The Rundown

For starters, Welcome.

This is the opening post of The Rundown blog. If you’re wondering what The Rundown is, we’re a weekly talk radio show on WCWM, Tuesdays 8-10. We hit all the hot topics: Tribe sports, fantasy football, pop culture trivia, campus news, etc. And we play some music from everybody’s favorite decade (the 1990s) along the way.

If you’re wondering why we have a blog, well, that’s another fair question. We’re going to use this space every week to post sound clips from our show, provide you with some killer study break YouTube clips and other can’t-miss links to help you in procrastinating your studies, and just keep you generally updated on our show.

For this post, we need your help. We’re looking for a nickname to give our listeners, you know, something catchy we can refer to them as. One such option is “The Downers,” or some variation of that. We’re open to suggestions.

You can post on the comment board here or e-mail Jeff (jadool@wm.edu) or Brendan (bnmasc@wm.edu).

Also, we wanted to let you know that our good friends over at New Town Cinema are hoping to throw us some free tickets and/or merchandise next week for us to give away on the show, so everyone needs to keep an eye on that. If you join our Facebook group, we’ll be sending out a reminder message to all members. The winners will be determined during our Pop Quiz trivia segment, and the subject, in honor of next Thursday’s premier, is tentatively scheduled as “The Office.”

To get you in the right mood, here’s an awesome Jim and Pam tribute video (there’s a ton of these things online), featuring my favorite song: “Cable Car” by The Fray. Be sure to listen into WCWM 90.9 WilliamsburgTuesday night from 8-10 p.m. to have a great time and maybe even win some free stuff.

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