Enjoy Williamsburg as the leaves change color, the temperature drops and the days grow shorter.
Explore: Between the Police Station parking lot and Alan B. Miller Hall is a zigzag wooden bridge that leads into the distance and finally disappears in the mysterious woods.
Wear sweaters: Fall has arrived and, to paraphrase F. Scott Fitzgerald, life starts all over when the air gets crisp.
Scream: Starting every year on Sept. 13, Busch Gardens ditches its normal, quaint and friendly appearance and slips into something much more sinister.
Just ride: Fall in Williamsburg brings an explosion of fiery color in the leaves of each tree, and the best place to appreciate this is during a leisurely drive down the Colonial Parkway, a 23-mile scenic roadway in the Colonial National Historical Park.
Eat: Take a stroll down DoG Street one Saturday morning and marvel at striped and speckled gourds, pumpkin-flavored pastries and an overly aw-worthy amount of adorable babies and puppies.