The Flat Hat staff selects the Best of the Burg for 2014

The Flat Hat staff selects their top picks for the best places in Williamsburg.

Best Coffee: Aroma’s

By: Rachel Brown // Flat Hat Assoc. Variety Editor

Avid coffee drinkers know that the experience is not solely about the taste of the coffee —atmosphere is important too.

Best of DoG Street: Kimball Theater

By: Sarah Caspari // Flat Hat Assoc. Variety Editor

Maybe you are looking to fill a Friday evening, or just for an excuse to get out of the cold for a little while. Merchants Square’s answer for anyone looking for something to do is the Kimball Theater.

Best Books: Mermaid Books

By: Cristyn Filla // Flat Hat Assoc. Variety Editor

The most wonderful and intoxicating smell is the books: books in the Earl Gregg Swem Library, books in dorms, books in professors’ offices and books in the local bookstores.

Best Bar: Paul’s

By: Jared Foretek // Flat Hat Online Editor

Paul’s Deli is what every college bar in a movie or television show aspires to be.

Best Dessert: Blue Talon

By: Peter Colwell // The Flat Hat

Sept. 19 finds me in the Blue Talon every year for a free entree, but the mousse is what really keeps me coming back.

Best place to take your parents: Food for Thought

By: Katherine Chiglinsky // Flat Hat Editor-in-Chief

Quotes from George Bernard Shaw and Eric Hoffer decorate the wall as diners pass into the main room of Food for Thought.

Best Pancakes: Five Forks

By: Jared Foretek // Flat Hat Online Editor

Take a drive down Richmond Road on a lazy Sunday morning and you’ll find no shortage of eateries calling themselves diners or pancake houses.

Best New Place: DoG Street Pub

By: Emiliy Stone // Flat Hat Assoc. Variety Editor

DoG Street Pub is a relatively new establishment, but it fits right in on the historic Duke of Gloucester Street. 

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